the winning outfit

Three interviews down, one to go next Thursday! I will tell more later.
(And yes, that's a very ugly sandal tan on the feet. Yucky, yucky. I will peel soon I hope)
Labels: chaplain, clothing, nablopomo 07
Labels: chaplain, clothing, nablopomo 07
I went to the doctor today and he was in fact alright - kind of weird that he kind of knew me, but alright. He restrained himself from inviting me to become an Amway dealer or Melaleuca saleswoman, however he could not resist telling me about a good environmental website. He also listened well enough (although when he suggested I should eat more regularly I felt he had missed the whole point of this dizziness being uncommonly strange) and ordered a raft of tests.
Labels: blood pressure, chaplain, health, nablopomo 07
Today was a repeat of yesterday. Dizzy head, came home, lay around doing nothing, still feeling dizzy. With a few minor differences.
Labels: blood pressure, health, nablopomo 07
Four days to go and nablopomo seems to have caught up with me.
Labels: blood pressure, health, nablopomo 07
I was going to write a big serious post about all the things I've been reflecting on, but my head has been dizzy all day, I'm still tired (entirely self inflicted - had to see who won Australian Idol) and I just need something quick, easy and light. So here it is.
Labels: australia, nablopomo 07, tasmania
I feel quite deflated tonight.
Labels: justice, nablopomo 07, politics
I felt like Scrooge this morning, all grumpy and miserable about Christmas and wishing everyone else would just stop the fuss.
Labels: life, nablopomo 07, self analysis, selfishness
Today 'our' sheep took their place in the annals of Australian history.
Labels: australia, nablopomo 07, sheep
Over at Dublin City Girl, Dublin City Girl wrote of her joy at recently receiving a real life letter.
Labels: nablopomo 07, politics
Walking home from work today I crossed the road while the little man was red.
Labels: environment, life, nablopomo 07, pulp mill
Without even realising North America was gearing up for Thanksgiving, I wrote a post about feeling grateful enough to say a heartfelt thanks before my meals. I've now been reminded that Thanksgiving has almost come around, and Sandy has nominated me for a most excellent meme she created in which I must list three things I'm grateful for. So here goes:
Labels: meme, nablopomo 07, nature, weather
Tasmania is an island of many wonders, but one very specific location here has taken on magical status in our hearts and minds. Maria Island.
Labels: australia, maria island, nablopomo 07, nature, tasmania
I confess I caught a little too much sun this weekend:
Labels: maria island, nablopomo 07, tasmania
For those of you who know me, it probably comes as no surprise that I still haven't run out of things to say for Nablopomo! The ideas just keep on coming. But in the interests of a quick post I'm going to run with a meme Tracy nominated me for.
Labels: meme, nablopomo 07
I've noticed these little insects around our house for quite some time now.
Labels: insects, nablopomo 07, nature
Growing up we always said grace before a meal.
It's important to say grace for each meal - if not before, then during or after. To eat is to kill. Whether you're a carnivore, a vegetarian, or a vegan, your very act of eating entails the taking of some life, vegetable or animal. You should be grateful for the life that was given to feed your life, and you should be quick to give thanks to the Source of all life, who made the bounty possible in the first place.
Labels: environment, food, nablopomo 07, spirituality
There's a lovely little gift shop in town called 'content'. Min, the proprietor, is delightful, nearly always stopping for a chat. I count her as a friend although we've never met outside of her little shop.
Labels: life, love, nablopomo 07, tasmania
It has occurred to me that most of my life is played out within a very small space.
Labels: chaplain, life, nablopomo 07
It's two weeks since we planted our vegetable seedlings and the birds have gone totally crazy. They chewed down the lettuce within a few hours, and have steadily pecked away at the pumpkin and cucumber. The sweet corn is a little shredded but obviously isn't entirely to their liking as it has mostly survived. We sheep proofed the garden from the start, but today was the day for action to keep the birdies away.
Tending to plants, or merely being with plants, heals in various ways... Gardening brings people closer to the earth and makes them partners in bringing forth life from the soil. The physical tasks of gardening - weeding, pruning, and planting - reduce stress by dispelling tension, anger, and aggression through bodily activity. The joy and satisfaction that comes from being an active participant in the process of nature generates a sense of protectiveness toward the environment as well as a feeling of trust in nature's life force. Pierce 2003:233-234
Labels: nablopomo 07, nature, vegetables
I've just arrived home from work after a busy late shift. Vomiting and diarrhoea and tracheostomies... you probably don't want to know, so I'll spare you the details. Suffice to say I'm glad to be home.
Labels: church, nablopomo 07, nursing
I have never taken a day off sick without actually being sick (and even then I feel slightly guilty), but today my work ethic is being sorely tested.
Labels: church, nablopomo 07, summer
Now that I'm in the swing of daily blogging (and even Frank is getting used to it) I'm having a little trouble discriminating between what is blog worthy and what is not. For instance, today I would like to tell you about the letter I got from the would-be politician outlining her three-typed-pages response to my letter asking for her take on world poverty and the environment.
Labels: friends, health, nablopomo 07, politics
We train 'em young in Australia, stemming right back to the kids who were sent here for stealing a loaf of bread in the 1800s! Thumb your nose at authority... it's the Australian way.
Labels: nablopomo 07, politics, pulp mill
The present pre-election shenanigans are increasingly irritating. Every day I am bombarded with television advertisements espousing the personal benefit to my back pocket of voting for this party or that. My letterbox is frequently overloaded with party based propaganda that I no doubt paid for somewhere along the line, but didn't ask for and certainly didn't authorise. Country drives are marred by ubiquitous roadside signs emblazoned with political party colours.
Labels: politics
I think it all began as I walked to work this morning.
Labels: counseling, counselling, music
The trouble with Nablopomo is narrowing down the field of topics - with something to write every day it's not long before every thought, facial expression, conversation or event becomes potential grist for the mill.
Labels: friends, nablopomo 07, technology
Frank and I have been away at our annual church camp for a couple of days - thankyou to my brother for yesterday posting the post I prepared earlier. (Does this comply with the rules? I'm not sure, but technically my blog was posted on yesterday) I now have exactly fifty minutes left to post in today.
Labels: car, life, nablopomo 07
I read on a now lost link, that 43% of Australians value their online friends as much as their real, embodied friends.
Technology is not merely augmenting but replacing real human contact. Already Americans [sic] are alarmingly comfortable with this idea.Kanner and Gomes 1995 in Pierce 2003:226
The content of what we use computers for may be far less significant than the fact that we use them. Simply spending time engaged in computer activity drives the wedge deeper between humans, and between humans and nature. The instantaneous quality of electronic technology and the computerized world has so conditioned us to the accelerated speed of modern life that we are impatient and uncomfortable with the slower rhythms and cycles of the natural world, including our own biological, emotional and mental healing processes.Pierce 2003:226
Computers compete for our attention with socially based satisfactions and communion with the natural world.Pierce 2003:226
Labels: blogging, nablopomo 07, technology
I discovered today that my hairdresser thinks Frank is slightly crazy, and right now she probably thinks I am too. After our over-the-hair-cut conversation I'm beginning to wonder myself.
Labels: beliefs, hairdresser, nablopomo 07, pulp mill
Tasmania has gone crazy with elections. The whole country will soon go to the polls to (hopefully) get a new Prime Minister, but last month we also had local council elections here.
Labels: nablopomo 07, politics, pulp mill
I still can't quite believe I did it.