Coles, Woolworths and anyone else involved in the production and transport and sale of tasteless food... eat your heart out, cause I'm eating this! Straight from my garden! Ha.
Labels: beetroot, vegetables
Coles, Woolworths and anyone else involved in the production and transport and sale of tasteless food... eat your heart out, cause I'm eating this! Straight from my garden! Ha.
Labels: beetroot, vegetables
I know we all have buttons and sometimes people push those buttons and we burst into tears or fly into a rage, but I would not have thought the supermarket checkout lady asking to look inside my bags qualifies as sufficient excuse for a little tanty. Nevertheless, when the checkout woman asked to look inside my bags I threw a little tanty.
Labels: environment, food, vegetables
OK, so it wasn't the smartest thing I've done to assume the best of a bank, but I thought if I paid out a loan their computer system would be onto it and consider the loan automatically closed.
Church issues just go on and on and on. But I'm not threatening to leave. That's childish. Related to my family of origin. I will stick this out.
[There is a] grounding, earthiness, and necessary pain that only real involvement within a concrete, parish-style family can give you. In parishes, as we know, we do not get to pick who we will be standing beside as we worship and celebrate various things together. A parish-type family is a hand of cards that is randomly dealt to us, and precisely to the extent that it is truly inclusive, will include persons of every temperament, ideology, virtue and fault. Also, church involvement, when understood properly, does not leave us the option to walk away whenever something happens that we do not like. It is a covenant commitment, like a marriage, and binds us for better and for worse.
Accordingly, if we commit ourselves to a church community and stay with that commitment, we will, at some point, have the experience that Jesus promised Peter would befall every disciple: Prior to this kind of commitment you can gird your belt and go wherever you want, but after joining a concrete church community, others will put a belt around you and take you where you would rather not go. And Jesus is right. What church community takes away from us is our false freedom to soar unencumbered, like the birds, believing that we are mature, loving, committed, and not blocking out things that we should be seeing. Real churchgoing soon enough shatters this illusion, and gives us no escape, as we find ourselves constantly humbled as our immaturities and lack of sensitivity to the pain of others are reflected off eyes that are honest and unblinking.
We can be very nice persons, pray regularly, be involved in social justice, and still not be fully responsible. It is still possible to live in a lot of fantasy and keep our lives safe for ourselves. This gets more difficult, however, if we start going to a church, most any church, especially one that is large enough to be inclusive. To be involved in a real way in a church community is to have most of our exemption cards taken away.Ronald Rolheiser, The Holy Longing. The Search for a Christian Spirituality, p 61,62.
Labels: church, spirituality
I've started a new job and with it comes a new email address. Or I should say 'another' email address, since it brings my total to six.
Labels: technology
Frank found this in the hall just now.
Labels: spiders
I know. I can't quite believe it either! Two cards in two months.
Labels: card making, craft
I love recipe books, a trait I have no doubt stems from my mother and her rich collection.
I forgot my bow yesterday. I was running late for a violin lesson and I stuffed the violin in its case, grabbed the tuner and rosin and ran out the door. Only when I reached for the bow at my teacher's house did I realise it was still perched on its stand. So I politely asked if I might borrow a bow from amongst her collection.
Labels: books, life, self analysis
I'm not usually one to indulge in day time television and I've certainly never taken the time to tune into a televised parliamentary session, but today presented a suitably significant moment to do both when our Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, offered a bipartisan apology to the Aboriginal people of Australia for the actions taken against them in the past.
Labels: sorry
I shouldn't be surprised - that's how life goes. Someone even captured it in a silly little ditty:
Initially my plan was to start studying a Masters of Counselling in semester 2. Then they told me I didn't have enough counselling experience to enroll in the Masters, but I could look at studying a Grad Dip in Counselling if I liked. And since the government is willing to pay half the cost of a Grad Dip (as opposed to none of the Masters) and it was all the same subjects as a Masters, meaning I would have to study less for a Masters later and I could even take a break before starting the Masters if I wanted, I did like and accepted a position in the Grad Dip.
Labels: counseling, counselling, study
Labels: card making, craft
I know we're several days into February and the time for new year reflections has well and truly passed, but I've managed to live out my own personal reformation beyond the first thirty one days of the year so I'm going to write about it anyway.
Labels: environment, life, tasmania
Towards the end of last year Frank and I came to realise we were putting too much energy into our church with too little return.
Labels: church, God, spirituality
For a brief moment I forgot my legs are still killing me and ran like a mad woman around the vegetable patch this morning, because one of the sheep got in. Again.
"OK Blackie... if we want to get into those juicy vegies, we have no option but to create an alternative path into them... so when she comes to get the lettuce in the morning (she always comes to get the lettuce in the morning), sneak in behind her, then run around, creating a bit of havoc before forming another entry into the garden... then we'll be set. She won't be able to keep us out."
"Oh Clive. You're incredible! I would never have thought of that. Of course she won't expect me to be so naughty since you're usually the one who steals from the vegie patch... she won't have a clue until I'm in there and have done the damage. We'll be set!"
Labels: sheep, vegetables