
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Housework injury

Weekends are all about taking time out from work to relax and unwind, to recharge the batteries before heading out into the world on Monday. So why are they so busy?

Yesterday I didn't stop the whole day, though I have to say I'm quite proud of all I achieved - dusting, cleaning the bathroom, four loads of laundry washed and dried despite it raining all day, Anzac biscuits cooked, date and honey loaf baked, vegetable soup produced, preparation for church and continuing blog research. Wow... is that impressive or what?!

However, I have sustained a terrible injury. Frank had worked for several hours in the rain, and he returned home in the early afternoon. He looked cold, wet and miserable so I decided to make a delicious, warming, hearty, nourishing vegetable soup. I busily set about chopping vegies as quickly as possible (possibly faster than I ever have)... and I wore a hole in my finger!

You know those injuries where you suddenly realise how much you use that part of your body, despite never before noticing you even needed it? It's one of them. Tragically I won't be able to cook for a week. Take away Frank???

OK, I'm kidding, it's not that bad. But there is a hole in my finger, and it does hurt.

Will this entry promote me to blogging fame?


At 6:11 pm, July 31, 2006, Blogger Robyn said...

Ouch! YOur poor finger...your discription conjured up some pretty gross images :( Feel free to head this way if you're in need of rehab!


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